12-19 years old
Looking for a way to build solid healthy relationships for your team, club, school or youth group? Then look no further!
Ho’ohiki Pilina Program has the perfect combination of content, activities, discussion and fun designed to meet teens where they are at!
In a fun safe environment with their peers, teens will be engaged in discussions that allow each them to share their perspectives, listen to the input of others, answer questions, and be a part of the group.
Lessons/activities that focus on communication, decision-making, setting and respecting boundaries, planning and pacing relationships.
If you are a part of a club, school, youth group, or sports team and would like to set up a Healthy Relationships event specifically for your group please contact us at
(808) 843-2502
Keiki O Ka ‘Āina FLC
3097 Kalihi Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
©Keiki O Ka ‘Āina 2024. All Rights Reserved.